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We encourage pond owners trying a pond dye to take a picture before you apply the dye and then another picture the same time of the day 24-48 hours after applying the dye. It is amazing how subtly a dye can transform your body of water.
One gallon of Crystal Blue will treat 1 surface acre with an average depth of 4 - 6 feet deep and is safe for people, pets, fish, swimming, wildlife and irrigation when used as directed.
Important Tip: All ponds will take a dye differently and the same dye can appear slightly different in the same pond from one application to the next. Preexisting conditions in a pond can also alter the way a dye appears. If you apply a pond dye and the tint is drastically different than what is discussed above, there is a preexisting condition that is altering the color of the dye.
Crystal Blue pond dye is a true blue pond dye. It has no other color added except blue. If your pond is currently clear it will give the pond a deep blue appearance. If your pond is currently muddy brown it can give your pond a very light blue tint until the muddiness clears